From Chapter 28 locate 5 examples of distributed learning.
1.Corporate distributed learning & 2. For-profit distributed learning is an example of corporate distributed learning and for-profit distributed learning. This site not only offers standardized training suites but also will design specific courses. They also offer LMS management solutions.
3.Academic distributed learning
Many “brick and mortar” institutions are now offering online courses as an alternative to onsite classes. One example of this is this class. I am able to obtain credit for this course without ever having stepped foot on the TAMU Commerce campus.
4.Distributed learning via virtual institutions
Virtual universities are becoming more and more common. These schools offer 100% of their courses online. One example of this is Walden University.
5.Free distributed learning
Free distributed learning is exactly what it sounds like… free valuable instruction. I loved MIT’s online courseware site. They offer lecture video’s on various topics. This instruction is free and available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection. I feel smarter just looking at their page.
I have seen some of the open content class materials from MIT, Stanford, and Rice. There are numbers of undergraduates who are using this open content material in their regular college classes at other schools. Where is that going?