Remember that the field of instructional/educational technology is not just focused on education, but on business and industry as well. Look at the resources provided on page 258 in chapter 25 and select one of these links and complete the self assessment. What did you learn about yourself from the assessment?
The fact that I enjoy managing projects was reinforced. I also realized from the ASTD assessment that I already have many of the skills necessary for senior level management. That is very encouraging.
Chapter 26 lists several websites for professional organizations and websites for professional publications. Visit 2-3 websites for professional organizations and 2-3 websites for the professional publications and address the following:
Professional organizations:
ASTD – American Society for Training and Development
- Mission: Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better
- Cost of Membership: $199 for 12 months, $349 for 24 months
- Publications: T+D Online, Infoline, Learning Circuits, LC Express, Newsletter
- Conferences and Meetings: ASTD TechKnowledge, ASTD 2011 International Conference & Exposition, Telling Ain’t Training and more… Conference.
- Opportunities for professional development: Action Learning, Various Software, Training, Coaching, ROI Skill Building, Test Design and MANY MORE…
AACE – Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
- Mission: Advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application.
- Cost of membership: $115 per year
- Publications: Journal of Interactive Learning Research, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, International Journal on e-Learning
- Conferences and meetings: Global Time, SITE, Global Learn, ED-Media, Ed-Learn
- Opportunities for professional development: AACE Global U
Professional publications:
CITE – Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
- Focus/Goals of the journal: Current Issues in general technology use or discipline specific technology use, Commentary on Current Issues papers, Seminal Articles, A Scholarly Adventure
- Submission guidelines: Material must be original, reflect the integrity expected of scholarly communication, and demonstrate a coherence and unity that makes the paper both understandable and interesting. Before submitting an article, please review the following suggestions. Original manuscripts received in correct form serve to expedite the review process, others will be returned to author. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and the mechanical elements of arrangements, spacing, length, and consistency of usage in form and descriptions should be studied before submission. All photographs submitted with manuscripts must include a copy of a signed permission form from the copyright holder. Length :Because this is an electronic journal the length of papers may vary. The length of your paper should be appropriate to the topic and focus. We will accept some papers that are only two or three pages long and some that are as long as 40 or 50 pages. The critical issue is whether the length is appropriate. Originality: All manuscripts must be original. No manuscript will be considered which has already been published or is being considered by another magazine or journal. However, if work described in conference proceedings is substantially revised and extended, it will be considered. Submission of a manuscript represents certification by the author that the article is not being considered nor has been published elsewhere. The format of headings, tables, figures, citations, references, and other details should follow the (APA) style as described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition, available from APA, 750 1st St., NE, Washington, DC 20002 USA.
- Is this a Peer Reviewed Journal: yes
- Is the journal online: yes
ETP – Educational Technology Publications
- Focus/Goals of the journal: the entire field of educational technology
- Submission guidelines: In preparing an article for Educational Technology Magazine the primary fact to keep in mind is that this magazine is not a research journal. It is, as the name implies, a magazine. The editors are looking generally for articles which interpret research and/or practical applications of scientific knowledge in education and training environments. There are no minimum and maximum length restrictions. Make your article as short as possible to do the job you intend. As a general rule, most articles are under 3,000 words, and one would require more words only in unusual circumstances. Include charts and photographs if you wish.
- Is this a peer reviewed journal? no
- Is the journal online? no
How is the journal and organization useful to you and your career? Were you aware of the organizations/journals that you researched?
I believe that these organizations and publications will be invaluable to me in my career for many reasons but especially because it provides me with information about what is happening right now in my field. I am also able to learn about the research and advancements others are making as well as becoming involved in research and advancements myself.
I enjoy the conceptualization of a project and the start of one. I'm having trouble seeing to the end of one!