The purpose I had in mind when creating my wiki was the amount of questions, confusion and misinformation that my department deals with on a daily basis. It is our responsibility to train the sales and training teams on what our curriculum is, what it does, and how teachers and administrators can use it to ensure the success of their students. One issue that we have been experiencing lately is that we will receive the same questions from various people. In the past, we have solved this problem by sending out a mass email to both teams with the answer. This is great for the first few days until that email response has rolled off the bottom of their screen and for all intents and purposes has disappeared from their minds forever. By creating a wiki, we are able to post the questions and the answers to be viewed by both teams as many times as they need. We can also have a thread for new questions that might start a discussion. How great would it be for our teams to be sharing ideas of what worked in the field when x question came up or how they utilized y in a new situation.
The only disadvantage I see is the possibility of misinformation being posted. I think that this problem can be avoided by only allowing registered users to edit the pages.
I think wikis have great potential for engaging the digital native. Not only because the wiki is interactive but also because a wiki is constantly changing. You want to go back and look at it again and again to see what is new there. In a world of text alerts for things such as news reports or Angry Birds updates… (I can’t put it down.) digital natives are only going to be engaged by non-static sites.
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