Sunday, January 23, 2011

Educational Technology Philosophy

I believe that technology can be used to further a student’s education in ways we have only begun to imagine.  I believe that technology, if used effectively can begin to close the gap between our at-risk and high achieving students.  This is what led me to pursue educational technology.  

I want the participants in my training sessions (be it professional development or a classroom of kindergartners) to take the knowledge I give them and use it effectively in their own situations.  I want them to have such an understanding of the skill that they are able to “tweak” it in order to make it most effective for them.

As the educator, I need to be able to transfer knowledge from my “head” to that of my students/participants in a meaningful way.  My students should be able to walk away from the session and teach others how to use their new skill. 

I believe that teachers must provide students with real-world learning situations.  By providing this type of learning environment, teachers are giving students invaluable experiences in which to master and retain the skills taught. 

Teachers should also give students opportunities to “think through” and discover knowledge by encouraging higher level thinking.  This will give students the needed practice to be able to use these higher level thinking skills in every area of their learning and throughout their lives.

When learning is student centered, they become more responsible for their own learning.  Teachers should not be the center of learning.

I think that as educators we must also be activists in a way.  We need to be willing to change and PROMOTE change.  Our students learning styles are deeply embedded in technology.  When an 18 month old child knows how to open and use an app on an iphone it stands to reason that our 5-18yr old students possess excellent technology skills as well. 

I believe that technology is a tool for accessing infinite information.  If my students are learning a new skill, using technology can allow them to do anything from having an e-learning session from a team at MIT to participating in a discussion about British literature with students from China.  They can also use the technology to enhance and express what they are discovering around them.

As an educator, I need to be a facilitator.  My students should have the freedom to discover new ways to explore learning.  The skill is what I want them to obtain.  The path they take to get there is an adventure!  I may very well have the next Bill Gates, Steven Hawking, or Mark Zuckerberg in my class. 

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