1. One major problem we have at my workplace lies within the curriculum department. This department has been tasked with writing curriculum for three brand new products. These products include reading, science and math for a range of seven grade levels. This curriculum includes scripts for the software portion as well as over 500 Teacher Directed Lessons. There are currently three employees in the curriculum department. They are all at an equal level within the company and therefore there is no leadership. The two problems I see are 1) the lack of leadership and 2) the lack of resources needed to succeed. In order to improve performance, one of the three current members of the Curriculum team must be given the task of leadership. This person should understand the vision of the three new products and also know what the deadline is. This person will then be able to communicate with the other members of the team and motivate them to meet their personal goals of curriculum writing. In addition to a leader, more curriculum writers need to be hired. Having only three employees dedicated to writing curriculum sets them up for failure. There is no motivation to accomplish their goals and or meet their deadlines because these goals and deadlines are impossible to meet. By at least doubling the number of employees in the curriculum department, the performance of each employee would greatly increase, thus ensuring the success of the new products and therefore the company.
2. (Electronic Performance Support System) A computer system that provides quick assistance and information without requiring prior training to use it. It may incorporate all forms of multimedia delivery as well as AI techniques such as expert systems and natural language recognition.
A performance support system provides just-in-time, just enough training, information, tools, and help for users of a product or work environment, to enable optimum performance by those users when and where needed, thereby also enhancing the performance of the overall business.
I like this last definition the best because it encompasses “users” as well as employees. In my workplace we need EPSS for our customers as well as our employees due to the fact that all of our products are presented either online or as software.
I think EPSS hasn’t been greatly used in the past because not all work environments had access to the technology needed to access them. This lack of technology is becoming more and more rare as almost ALL jobs use technology in some form or fashion. I see EPSS becoming the norm in the very near future because of its comparative low cost as well as the immediate “time on task” it allows for new employees/ users.
3. Training new employees (marketing, curriculum, sales, etc.) on the “saving/labeling” practices of the art and graphic design department is time consuming and frustrating. It is also time consuming for the art and graphic design department to create an illustration, design or video only to discover later it already existed. To solve these problems I created an online database that includes all graphics, video and product information that is searchable by type, various key words, and product line. This has been incredibly helpful in managing our resources and increasing our time on task. We are no longer spending half a day looking for or creating an image that is needed in a Sales presentation or a Teacher Directed lesson.
4. I have been exposed to many informal learning experiences as a teacher. Most of these were extremely boring since I was expected to sit in a cafeteria full of my coworkers and listen as someone talked about teaching styles or new learning resources for hours on end. YUCK! Recently though I was able to experience a new informal learning experience through a webinar. This was much more engaging. The instructor switched back and forth from lecturer to facilitator. I was able to engage with the other participants through a chat space as well as conversations with VoIP. The instructor placed us in groups for “practice” of the software we were learning which was helpful as we all acted as peer tutors for each other. By the end of the training I felt I not only had a good grasp of how to use the software but also had support from my fellow participants.